Tuesday, October 14, 2008


...i met shepard fairey. he had a black flag button on his jacket. will.i.am was there. his operation is way bigger and more pro than i expected. it was cool...


TheSnob said...

This is unrealted to Mike's post, but I wanted you to see a picture of Levi's future. I watched this band play last night, and it was ridiculous. Here is a fat Levi...http://journal.nonesuch.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/12/11/stephin_merritt_george_dragon_2007_.jpg

jamie tallerico said...

thats awesome. Did you go to the studio? or what? how did this go down?

Mike said...

yeah, went to his studio. his firm (i guess would be the right word) are the art directors for a tour we're gonna do next year, so we were meeting with them and he popped in at one point. they had an entire run of a new Johnny Ramone poster sitting there and they wouldn't let me buy one. damnit! still very rad...